your father’s hesitation tunes the dial. you falter, bristle, refuse to seize the prompt.

all design, illustration and verbiage © ian begg, 2024.

If you are specifically looking for content created prior to 2020, the best option is to search and view results in the legacy edition, which renders older posts as originally intended.

Published by siblingshot

snake coming out of hole.

11 thoughts on “your father’s hesitation tunes the dial. you falter, bristle, refuse to seize the prompt.

      1. Making the hard decision of what next t-shirt to purchase as they are amazing……..tempted by the yellow one with your eye logo or in black, or both!

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  1. This post is dedicated to those who vividly recall the simple, sometimes furtive joy of connecting to a AM/FM signal on a wireless or transistor radio through the small hours of the morning. A sound of voices whispering between sheets and the curious static infecting sleep. Little fireflies. Like sparklers around the bandstand on a rainy afternoon. And the music. Low and forlorn or spilling attitude. Straight through the forehead. Not a diamond but something sharp. Burrowing deep as a needle.

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    1. I lived by The Radio. I worshiped at the Church of Radio. It was my only salvation. I had a tiny transistor radio (originally AM, but after a while enough stations had gone for that NEW thing, FM that I got a new AM/FM transistor). At night after I’d gone to bed, I’d crawl under the covers, pull the pillow over my head, stuff the earplug into my ear & start scanning the dial to hear what I could hear. I even wired up the plug end with two ear plugs so I could hear heavenly music & nothing else (it was still monaural, no stereo, but two ears were better than one).

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      1. Radio Birdman. “Two ears are better than one”. For sure, I fully subscribe to the notion that more is better than none. It tickles the greed in me for music. Right now I am listening to the Ruts. Pre DC. “Give Youth a Chance”. My initial encounters with STEREO found me bringing two speaker cabinets together so that I could insert my head between them. It appeased the brat in me. Later on, listening in through big over the ear headphones did not come close. To igniting the same flame.

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  2. No problem. And interesting query. I suppose I just wanted to try something new. Also, I needed a space to promote SibLINGSHOT PRESS LTD. and its product without infringing too much ON THE BLEACHERS, which was – is – very much a separate entity in its own right. The two might be related, even inextricably linked, but in my mind I had to divorce them to an extent. Originally, I made the mistake of publishing a new site to the old domain, and inadvertently hosed THE BLEACHERS in the process. The end result was truly awful. Both in terms of those limitations in how that new space looked and behaved, and the loss of original material. I pretty much gave up on it; the possibility of retrieving anything much of value. For a lengthy period, what sustained my energy ON THE BLEACHERS was without doubt the eloquence of those exchanges between regular commentators and the resultant dialogue back and forth. It was oftentimes electric, I still feel. I had backups, fortunately, but no perfect solution as to how best employ them. Anyway, fast forward a couple of years or so and I finally stumbled on those technicalities required to, literally set things aright. The bottom line is that any visitor now can engage the legacy edition from within the same site and once again view content and commentary just as it originally appeared.

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    1. wow, thanks for sharing and explaining the reasoning. It didn’t sound like an easy process and losing material – eek!!

      Glad to hear you have them both up and running now and new site looks great. I look forward to new posts and delving into the legacy pages too. 🙌

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