$9.99 per month, or the william tell routine

\”Inhale, and it is immediately apparent that they are bent on fostering addiction.\” – ib Those people closest to Ernestó Agnursson did not need to subscribe to the cloud. When he made his music the whole favela stopped to listen.     Infants stopped pawing at their mother\’s breast. Bakers stopped baking their bread.      HeContinue reading “$9.99 per month, or the william tell routine”

pablo dillinger | war correspondent

\”Overtaken by a weakness to bludgeon the house senseless with a royal flush of dubs, the bleachers echo with the whisper of melodica… Where the casual user exposes himself to infection, we seek to tattoo over underlying distortion.\” – ib I had not seen daylight in three days.     I crawled around on the rug likeContinue reading “pablo dillinger | war correspondent”

el topo | dub discriminator

\”Seven years imprisonment for playing a radio in an open window. Should that window occupy a space on a monitor.\” – ib No lion of Judah stalks the interior dispensing justice. Holding court in dwarf shrub. Rampant. Bristling with mange.     Jody the Hat moves like a hyena on singed paw, clinging to peaks, dropping inContinue reading “el topo | dub discriminator”