banksy may, or may not, have been here

Well. The origin of this post – the inclusion of this one song here, at least – is convoluted and curious. A matter of chance. Straightened roots. Jonderneathica – from Underneathica – certainly provoked, in part, this latest slide into phase 2 of the dub. With timely intervention and nod to Ari Up’s mischievous associationContinue reading “banksy may, or may not, have been here”

a pinball in a machine, rusty james

Francis Ford Coppola’s 1983 adaptation of S.E. Hinton’s “Rumblefish” – expanded in 1975 from her original short story first published in ‘Nimrod: 1968‘, the University of Tulsa’s literary journal – succeeded where its bigger budget sibling, “The Outsiders“, so obviously failed. Shot entirely in the monochrome of REM sleep, save for those few frames withContinue reading “a pinball in a machine, rusty james”

george jones: tears of a clown

george glenn jones at 77. born saratoga, texas, 12/09/31. hey. what’s in that trumpet, ya f@ckin’ lush. Okay. I know. I need to stop cribbing from WFMU. Thank you, Listener Greg G. I don’t recall having heard this particular maudlin dirge previously. What fun! Let’s join in and lighten the load; George Jones celebrated hisContinue reading “george jones: tears of a clown”