i like bob dylan and i smell like a witch

photograph by don snyder: human mandela in the berkshires, massachusetts. I stole this one from One Base on an Overthrow. Straight up. Just walked in there and blagged it.Anything this good ought to be flayed on repeat. And immediately purchased.Sadly, you can’t buy it. It comes on one of those ‘split’ 45s; a four trackContinue reading “i like bob dylan and i smell like a witch”

frank c and the cubic capacity for ushering in the quiet

fire inspectors examine a loft. fritz goro, NYC, may 1961. A dog was barking when I prepared my second coffee of the morning. Thank god for the rain.I like to smoke a cigarette and watch the seagulls wheel below me as I look out onto the car park. The rain keeps the junkies out ofContinue reading “frank c and the cubic capacity for ushering in the quiet”

AMM | every noise has its note

keith rowe’s guitar rolled out over jackson pollock’s lavender mist x 3. montage by ib. I stumble into a crash-course introduction to AMMMusic not through any intellectual aspiration to po-faced theory, but through a far more immediate appreciation of El Syd’s Pink Floyd and the visceral living walls of Paul Jackson Pollock. I am slowContinue reading “AMM | every noise has its note”

coming soon | ib dribbles before he shoots

you read it here first, now thrill to the glottal stop.Ever wondered what a slacker Scot with a poetic bent itching like an ingrown toenail sounds like ? Peter Mullen on Prozac ? Taggart on Tamazepan ?  Well. Torture yourself no more.Since the seed of polite interest was first sewn on these very pages, theContinue reading “coming soon | ib dribbles before he shoots”

making marx | in the ghost room

Some three years after Harrison Speck convened a party of one in his bedroom in Austin, Texas, One Hundred Flowers are decorating The Ghost Room with frail blooms.The product of seven songs, “Some Summer Falls” – the EP – germinated into something necessarily more resistant. Speck calculated he required assistance if he was to adaptContinue reading “making marx | in the ghost room”

well oiled | BP free zone

That Star Folk Band’s latest outing on Old 3C Records is strikingly reminiscent of Zuma era Neil Young in places is cause for celebration. On “Ghost Man“, it even wanders joyously onto open blacktop like Luke Askew thumbing a lift from Dennis Hopper or Peter Fonda. Brady Burkett and Ryan Shaffer have been recording togetherContinue reading “well oiled | BP free zone”

rozenblit incident

The partnership which bore the short-lived Satwa was a collision of seemingly disparate identities from the same north-eastern coastal territories; Lula Côrtes from the old Portugese state of Paraíba, and Lailson from the resettled Dutch colony of Pernambuco.Both, though, were very much a product of an idealogical optimism which flourished in spite of the thirdContinue reading “rozenblit incident”

industrial music for damaged people

Most definitely not a cover of Jordan & Loney’s doctoring of Jagger & Richard – a spasm inducing paean to withdrawl – this is a Jonas Almqvist composition.The Leather Nun was officially excommunicated in Gothenburg in 1979. Loosely a quartet, the collective drew on input from a number of musicians. Their first release – theContinue reading “industrial music for damaged people”

straight edge | a slow return

He turned and looked straight down the road. There was a broken picket fence, a corral of rusty wire and paint, and he fumbled the wheel on his lighter.His eyes were green and blue and black, glittering, and he seemed half dead.“None of it is linear,” he said. “The best of us travel interrupted.”He suckedContinue reading “straight edge | a slow return”