tea for two. or three.

(l to r) keith cross; peter dunton; bernard jinks. To more or less quote Johnny Thunders verbatim:“Do you want the ‘lectric shit ? Or the hippie shit ?“ I had not heard T2 previous to the inclusion of “No More White Horses” in Emmett’s October playlist. From their sole album, “It’ll All Work Out inContinue reading “tea for two. or three.”

not a leg to stand on…

you’ve got a lot of nerve… I remember reading somewhere, vaguely, that Bob Dylan once attempted to make a go of it peddling bespoke wooden legs. Handcrafted prostheses, to be more precise. Is there even a splinter of truth in it, does anybody know ? Or is the tale entirely apocryphal ? I admire theContinue reading “not a leg to stand on…”

ticket to ride

II. I am LAYZEE BOY, lionhearts; crusaders. Furious as a pope. Flaccid and prone. occasionally rampant. # 1 with bass from Albert Dennis. # 2 performed with friction:Sue Schmidt: Guitar, Violin;Peter Laughner: Guitar, Vocals;Debbie Smith: Bass ;Anton Fier: Drums. â–¼ PETER LAUGHNER: BAUDELAIRE from “Take The Guitar Player For A Ride” 2 x LP (Tim/Kerr)Continue reading “ticket to ride”

chicken little & the morning which wasn’t

Right now I am hanging out my window, gasping for air. Well, alright. Not right now, eggsactly, but somewhere between pulling on a cigarette and banging on this keyboard. The still life looking west along the river is cast in grey. If it were not for the ever incipient rain I might describe it asContinue reading “chicken little & the morning which wasn’t”

young team revisited

Two fairly early soundscapes from Glasgow’s Mogwai which run together almost seamlessly and build on the spidery experimental elegance of Tom Verlaine at his most concise, or Chicago collective, Tortoise. It’s a Sunday thing. Rebus on a bus pass; a restricted service. The first cut – recorded by Andy Miller – was released in JanuaryContinue reading “young team revisited”

for n-one

Kim Gordon: bass, vocals; Thurston Moore: guitar, vocals;Richard Edson: drums;Lee Renaldo: guitar. The 80’s may have begun blandly, and gotten progressively blander still, but there was still proof positive under the swab that not everyone hankered to collaborate with Trevor Horn’s bloated vision of a new era. A choreographed jackboot dance of all singing extrasContinue reading “for n-one”


The steam locomotive whispersup to the platform,and we disembark. A littlesheepishly.Beyond the clock, the panesof glass,it looks a lot like a gymnasium. A football stadium. There are rows of benchesand the grasson the pitch is bald where westand; patiently,bellies knotted and growling. On either side,climbing up from the dug outs,we are separated –wheat and chaff,Continue reading “paperwork”

emotion tree

She sat barefoot in the middleof the floor,on sunlit boards browningin late afternoon.Surrounded by lengthsof copper tubing.Attaching paper notesto curling brancheswith surgical precision.Tied off with string. Wire. “How do you like my emotion tree ?” she asked. I licked the gummed marginspilling tobacco,and spoke out the cornerof my rolled up twist. “It looks like itContinue reading “emotion tree”

sliding windows and moonbeams

Taking up the slack from a recent post by Sheridan Dupre III, stepping off sun dappled kerb into twilight, here is a positively chilled vibe lingering in the shadow. Because less is more, and I’ve been feeling a mite agitated of late. Spiky. Lonnie Liston Smith: keyboards;Donald Smith: flute;Cecil McBee: bass;Lawrence Killian: percussion, congas;Art Gore:Continue reading “sliding windows and moonbeams”

why balk at dressed crab ?

A third rate actor poses on the White House lawn on January 20th, 1981. The grocer’s daughter seeks a second marriage. Fittingly, Ronald Reagan was born in an apartment above a local bank in a red brick building in Tampico, Illinois. The nest he was spat into, then, was literally built on nickels, dimes andContinue reading “why balk at dressed crab ?”

travelling with demons, 5:9 – 8:34

for the record: Protect me from the mangled utterances ofwitchfinders and the convoluted,the diapered rebuke of incontinent dribblers.Flycatchers and the sanctimonious; “My name is Legion, and we speak for the many.” Protect me from rulers smiting down the left hand.Churchwardens waxing promiscuously.Deliver me on those days when the postman strikes,dyslexic, slovenly and ambidextrous. “My nameContinue reading “travelling with demons, 5:9 – 8:34”

under the floorboards

A swaggering Jagger & Richard composition from their fabulous “Aftermath“, this is proto-punk ‘1-2-3-4‘ at its most infectious. Restricted by the limited coverage independent distribution allowed- or, more prosaically, confined to minor celebrity in their native Pennsylvania – Bob Hocko’s Swamp Rats gnawed their way into the daylight of small town McKeesport in 1966, gravitatingContinue reading “under the floorboards”