landgrabs and downswings

thompson grocery store, mississippi. photograph by bill steber.“A woman sits on a pool table listening to California blues man Robert Walker perform in his hometown of Bobo, MS, at Thompson Grocery. Until it burned in December of 1996, Thompson grocery was something of an anomaly in modern-day Mississippi. White-owned in a mostly black small town,Continue reading “landgrabs and downswings”

my painted tomb

“lucifer“; 1947. “When the 35-year-old Pollock finished Lucifer in 1947 he had to ask his wife, painter Lee Krasner, “Is this a painting?” Lucifer is a green, black and pearly discharge, a phosphorescent radioactive snapshot of what America looked, felt and sounded like in 1947.”– Jerry Saltz, The Tempest.Interesting fact: initiated in Phoenix, Arizona, 1981Continue reading “my painted tomb”

IRSX 105

“Produced by Other Wordly Sources“. Allegedly. Released March, 1984; finally finding a permanent resting place on 1987’s compilation, “Dead Letter Office“. ▼ R.E.M.: VOICE OF HAROLD from “So. Central Rain (I’m Sorry) b/w Voice Of Harold / Pale Blue Eyes” 12″ 45 (I.R.S.) 1987 (US)