punishment exercise, weblog version

Hello. I am still breathing, if you wondered at this latest absence.

I needed to step back from the drop awhile, the empty space between the rails, to let the game play out. It has not been pretty for the most part.

On and off the bleachers.


Published by siblingshot

snake coming out of hole.

7 thoughts on “punishment exercise, weblog version

  1. Happy New Year, brØther.I noticed you had been quiet far, far longer than is usual. I hope circumstances are treating you well. Sometimes it is better to step back for a while and just… chill.Drop me a line if you are up to it. I have a load of good tuneage to share that I have amassed over the last while which might be of interest to you. Was thinking again recently of that J.J. Mundis short in the Panther anthology. I still have no idea how you immediately sprung to what I was babbling about that Sunday morning.


  2. Hey man, I don't know if you got my last communique, Its all fixed figured out and it's safe. I wrote something today and posted it. Norton says I am and always have been ok at blogspot. Take it easy man, hope we get to correspond soon.

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